cheap – Bonavendi USA Blog Fri, 19 Feb 2016 07:43:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Get the best from 2014 for peanuts Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:44:47 +0000 Since 2014 is finally over we have looked back on an awesome year and selected some things you shouldn’t have missed from it. Here are some great things to take a closer look at that are definitely worth your time.

Video games: Dark Souls II

Dark Souls was released in March and was one of the most anticipated games of 2014. Following its predecessor Dark Souls which was a huge hit on consoles and PC few years ago it was the blockbuster game this year. Since it already came out in March there are several ways to get it for very little money. Lots of people are selling their one year old games to get their hands on new stuff or just to gain some space. The best way to get your hands on it definitely is to just look at Bonavendi where to buy right now. Buy it for less than 20 dollars – direct link of form .

CD: U2 – Songs of Innocence

Even though you don’t have to like U2 you can not get around this album from last year. Not only are all things U2 do spreading controversity but in this case this fantastic album also shows a completely new side of this classic band. And since lots of people don’t like U2 there are plenty sellers of this unique piece of music, lowering the prices. Buy it for less than 12 dollars – direct link of form .

DVD: 12 years a slave

This oscar winning movie is definitely worth your money. Especially if you can get it cheap. This movie is packed with lots of stars and an awesomely written storyline which was adapted from a book that was published as early as 1853. We won’t spoiler you here now but we want you to be prepared: 12 years a slave is not a movie you want to watch on a fun night before going out with friends. It covers a very serious topic and will show you some of the worst sides of (American) history. Buy it for less than 15 dollar – direct link of form .

Book: Michael Lewis – Flash boys

Flash boys is a book about a group of people working at Wall Street. The stories that are in the book are true and are awesomely compiled and told in a very entertaining way. This book was the New York Times bestseller for several weeks in early 2014 and is a read you shouldn’t miss. One could say it shows you how trading changed over the years and how computers changed Wall Street and how things work there. Buy it now for less than 16 dollar – direct link of form .

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