Your new sales summary overview helps you to organize and sell your items even faster and easier with the best buyers for your items. After choosing the best buyer to sell to from your Bonavendi cart, there are three simple steps to completing the sale: Transfer the item(s) to the buyer Send the article(s) to […]
Scheduled Maintenance in June 2017

Due to maintenance work on our platform, we need to restart our systems. In some period between Monday, 26 June 2017 and Wednesday 28 June 2017, we will conduct our maintenance only for a few minutes sometime between 4 pm and 10 pm Eastern Time. Of course, the Bonavendi price comparison will be working again other […]
The Top 5 Apps for Buying and Selling Used Stuff
Why Sell Your Used Stuff? Not only is selling your used stuff a great way to make some extra money, but it’s also a great way to free up some much needed space in your home or office. In addition, selling your used things to someone else is an important way to cut down on […]
How much do you know about César Chávez Day?
If you are originally from California, chances are you know a little bit more about him than people from other States. Maybe just out of the fact that you can skip class or work this day in his remembrance, but still. César Chavez day is observed annually in the Golden State every March 31st and […]
Best alternatives to seems like a nice place to sell your used textbooks. However, you might be interested in knowing some alternatives out there in case you find out a better choice. Here, we will try to elaborate a list of options to choose from in order to make your life easier! The company we are […]
Best 2015 Video Games you can now get for very less money
Now that 2015 is up, let’s recap our very own Bonavendi’s Top 10 Video games that last year had to offer. It has been one of the best years in quite a long time and from the rain-slick streets of Gotham City, to the arid desert of Afghanistan, 2015 has transported us across the globe […]
Re-commerce in numbers
Since you follow our blog you definitely already know what re-commerce is. We created a small infographic for you to hightlight some interesting facts on re-commerce. You will be surprised how large the market for used things actually is. As you can see right on top of the infographic the market for used […]
Starting the new semester with power, motivation – and maybe with a bag of money
Christmas holidays – a relaxing and reflective time – are over and we all have to continue our daily life. But are you ready yet? I guess, a lot of us are still looking for their motivation. But how can you find it? What type are you? Do you need some lovely moments to be […]
Textbooks – Buy low, sell high
It is probably not hard to understand that most of the students realize they need to buy textbooks just before the start of the semester . It is a fact. Most of the students just do not care about studying while enjoying holidays. But they also do not think ahead. Nobody thinks about the next […]
Get the best from 2014 for peanuts
Since 2014 is finally over we have looked back on an awesome year and selected some things you shouldn’t have missed from it. Here are some great things to take a closer look at that are definitely worth your time. Video games: Dark Souls II Dark Souls was released in March and was one of […]